Daddy did you know. A journal to fathers. Part two

In Part 2 of Daddy Did You Know? A Journal to Fathers; Pastor Martin offers some words of wisdom to both daughters and fathers as well as the father’s support network.  He shares his thoughts as well as one of his most famous loving nuggets of wisdom “sometimes you have to love people even when it is difficult.”  He covers some practical advice and considerations for fathers and their support network.  Sit back and get ready to laugh, cry, be encouraged and challenged if you allow; to grow beyond your current place of understanding in this episode of Open Door Conversations.

Highlights from the episode:

• A father’s support network

• Hope for future relationships

• How a father’s love shapes their daughters future

A message to all fathers on the need and desire of a fathers presence

Contact Info:

Connect with Fatima Williams and Renata Akinkuowo

Instagram: @opendoorconvo

Facebook: OpenDoorConvo